The city of Illithium is the home of, well, the Illithium the other dimensional race of mental magic wielders. This city is technically the greatest of the civilized cities that rise from the regions of Ehbon. Having incorporated many of the innovations of both the human, Alfar, and Dwev’lar into its construction, with running piped water and sewer systems. Aqueducts that the humans created combined the forced air and heat of bound elementals of the Dwev’lar technologies to power heating and cooling machines. Steam power is used to operate the pumping systems that control water flow through the city plumbing system. The Alfar contributed the technologies of providing city-wide lighting by using mystically powered glass globes that provide light at varying levels of intensity with but a touch of one’s hand and recharge by the very sun.
What did the Illithium provide you ask? They brought with them the accumulated knowledge of their race and put it into books that could be read by anyone reading its pages, as the book itself translated the texts into the reader’s language or any language they knew. Lastly, they provided the one service none possessed since the passing of the ancient ones and ancients, the training to control the rare gift of mental magics.
The city is one of many towers, many as large around as some castles, providing small homes or apartments like a tavern or hostel. The other buildings are either hemispherical or hexagonal in design and are at least five stories tall with the whole of the under city a maze of tunnels housing machines of steam or bound elementals, piping, and constructed streams of fresh water. But even the underways have built-in housing for many of those who keep the whole thing operating smoothly with shops and other accouterments that make it a literal city under the city.
The largest and tallest tower lies at the very exact center of this bustling city, the home of the elders of the Illithium and caretakers of this the greatest library in Ehbon, The Cradle of Cognitionis, with only Shadow Song college of Dharmafrak rivaling its contents. It is here many a mage, mentalist, bard, or skald come to peruse tomes of knowledge from maps to magical theory. The only thing it lacks is knowledge about music theory or music in general for this is the one thing the bloodline cannot grasp.
Hidden within the great library at its deepest basement and in a pocket of displaced time lies the larder of the Illithium that call the city home, accessible to them by a unique mental ability to allow instant access to it, for this, is the storage of the brains they receive from those condemned to death which is their food source. It is here the extraction of the living brain is done away from prying eyes of both magic and mundane, and carefully preserved for use.
Here in the great library also lies the training rooms of the mental magic users they take in and help, without fear of accidental damage or death to those that cannot defend themselves from their budding powers.
Few in the regions have ever attempted or thought of aggression towards the great city for they know that a sleeping power resides there, one capable of devastating an army, or region, with but a combined thought for the power of this city lies not in one, but within the many.